Work in #Kitchener Begins for Highway 7 (Between #Guelph & Kitchener) Soon! 

Although info specific to Kitchener, this ties in with the overall plans for the Highway upgrades needed on #7 between our city & Kitchener.

Thank you,


One response to “Work in #Kitchener Begins for Highway 7 (Between #Guelph & Kitchener) Soon! ”

  1. Barry Avatar

    Cam: This Highway 7 proposed expansion promise has been going on for over 20 years (much like the Hanlon extension proposal to connect with Highway 6 South of Morriston) so why should us Guelphite’s get excited. Excitement may happen if work started further in Guelph and progress towards Kitchener for a change. We have to realize we will always take a backseat to Kitchener-Waterloo in spite of your good intentions and excitement. K-W/Guelph has been part of my life for over 65 years so I roll with the Political promises until I see concrete results and none has happened yet, except Royal City Nurseries having to relocate.

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