Site icon Mayor Cam Guthrie

A Fantastic @CityofGuelph Staff Report On #Guelph Water! Retweet & Share! 

I have consistently been saying that there are three elements required for me to become fully informed on our city water situation, both within and from outside our city. Especially when evaluating any impacts to our quality or quantity of water. 

These three elements are: 

1. Council feedback

2. Citizen feedback 

3. Professional staff report

We now have the staff reports available for the upcoming November 7th meeting HERE

My hope is that after you read these reports you’ll feel more fully informed too, just as I am now. Waiting for these staff reports was the right thing to do.

Please read them. Please.

I now look forward to hearing from the public and considering council feedback as we move forward on this.

Please share this info, forward this blog post to as many as you can. Feel free to submit comments to us through this email: 

Thank you,


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