Site icon Mayor Cam Guthrie

Update on Centennial Park Play Structure: #Guelph

Over the last little while I’ve had a few inquiries as to what’s happening with the park structure at Centennial Park. Staff have provided a response which I’m sharing with you all here below.



“I apologize for the inconvenience that Centennial Park play equipment removal has created. It is unfortunate that timing could not match for the existing play equipment to be removed closer to when the new play equipment is to be installed. Public safety is always our number one priority and there was concerns about the condition of the structure. Our operations staff who are trained to inspect play equipment for conformance with Canadian Safety Association (CSA) standards , determined that they could no longer ensure compliance. Parks and Recreation staff also recently received a resident concern about the safety of the structure and acted accordingly.

Initially Centennial Park was to receive new play equipment last year and a public contract tender for installation came in over budget so City staff reworked the project and have tendered the design and implementation for this year. Currently the play structure is planned for a September replacement. City staff are working as quick as they can to get the equipment installed. The design for Centennial play equipment is being finalized and includes new concrete curbing, drainage and seating. The longest timeline in getting a play structure installed is the 6-8 week order time with the play equipment company. Centennial play equipment will be replaced at the same time as 9 other play structures and for efficiency in cost and sharing of resources they are being coordinated as one project.
I hope this helps explain the current situation for Centennial.”

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