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Let’s celebrate National AccessAbility Week!

National AccessAbility Week (NAAW) is happening from May 26 to June 1. This year’s theme is “Forward Together: Accessibility and Inclusion for All”.

In that spirit, I want to encourage you get together and check out events happening in Guelph to build a more accessible and inclusive city.

All events and programs are available on Guelph’s RecEnroll page and are drop-in style programs.

Event title: Flag Raising Ceremony
Date: Monday, May 27
City Hall, Market Square
12-12:30 p.m.
The Guelph Barrier Free Committee will be hosting a Flag Raising Ceremony to recognize National AccessAbility Week. The Ceremony will take place on Monday, May 27 from 12-12:30 p.m. at Market Square, Guelph City Hall. 

Event title: Adapted Bike Clinic
Date: Tuesday, May 28
Riverside Park, Red Picnic Shelter
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Learn about options in adapted and accessible biking! In partnership with KidsAbility, consult with experts (Physiotherapist and Recreation Therapist), check out and test adaptive bikes, or bring your own bike for review. Open to all ages and abilities, drop in or register for free!

Event title: Autism Service Dogs – Meet and Greet
Date: Wednesday, May 29
Victoria Road Recreation Centre, Oak Room
6:30-8:30 p.m.
In partnership with Autism Service Dogs, visit and interact with service dogs in training (puppies!). Trainers, dog owners, and service dog experts will be in attendance to answer questions and share information about how to get involved with Autism Service Dogs or apply for adoption. Open to all ages and abilities, drop in or register for free!

Event title: Guelph Enabling Garden – Open House
Date: Thursday, May 30
Location: Riverside Park, Guelph Enabling Garden (Green Picnic Shelter back up)
Time: 2-6 p.m.
The Guelph Enabling Garden (GEG) is a multi-use garden designed for everyone and, especially for those community members with varying degrees of physical and cognitive abilities. The garden is specifically designed to enable people to enjoy the full range of benefits that gardening can provide. At the Open House, you can see the kinds of activities people do in the free programs hosted by a registered Horticultural Therapist. Walk around the garden; meet participants, volunteers, and staff; and connect through your senses to nature in the garden. Open to all ages and abilities, drop in or register for free!

Event title: Drop in Wheelchair Basketball
Friday, May 31
West End Community Centre, Gymnasium
7:15-10 p.m.
Try out Wheelchair Basketball in this fun and inclusive drop-in event! In partnership with Parasport Ontario, learn directly from parasport athletes and experts. Open to all ages and abilities, drop in or register for free!

New this year: BlindSquare at Riverside Park
I also want to mention that BlindSquare is now available at Riverside Park. BlindSquare is a cutting-edge global positioning system (GPS) app designed to empower people who are blind, Deafblind, and partially signed with greater independence. This incredible technology, named in honour of David and Lois Lamble, provides detailed points of interest and safe navigation both indoors and outdoors. Let’s spread the word: BlindSquare is available for free download.

I want to end by saying a big thank you to the Guelph Barrier Free Committee for everything they do to promote awareness, and to help identify and remove barriers in our city. Thank you!

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